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Please join us on Sundays at 8:00 AM or 10:00 PM for worship services. Everyone is welcome! 

Sunday morning services are also live-streamed


Weekly Saturday service is at 5pm in the chapel. 





 Leader: Wes Kimes | 

 Day & Time: Sundays & Various Services during the course of the year @ 10 am


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The Acolytes serve at the altar during the Eucharist, carrying the cross or a torch in procession and providing the clergy with the appropriate vessels

while communion is being prepared.  Open to all parishioners ages eight years old to adults, this ministry is currently seeking adults and youth to

join and serve at Sunday morning services.  





Altar Guild

Leaders: Kristen Krueger |

                         Kerry Kean | 

2018 altar guild

Day & Time: The group meets the 3rd


Saturday of the month to create our schedule.  On the schedule, members are usually "on" one weekend a month.  Our group meeting starts at 8:30 am.  Cleaning on Saturday is usually done in the morning, at a time agreed upon.

Place: We begin with morning prayer in the chapel and then we move to the library for our scheduling.


A wonderful ministry of service, the Altar Guild is the priest's guild, responsible for preparing the altar for service.  Some of the things we care for include the linens, wine, wafers, vestments, flowers and chalices.  Our dedicated group helps to clean the chapel, sacristy and altar on Saturday. We set up and clean up for the all services for Sundays, weddings and funerals.  Some talented members arrange the flowers for the altar.





Lay Eucharistic Ministry (LEM)

Leader: Kevin Taylor|

Day & Time: Sundays & Various Services during the course of the year @ 8 am & 10 am


The most visible portion of the Lay Eucharistic Ministry at St. Michael’s is the administration of the chalice at the Sunday Eucharists. Additionally, LEMs are called upon to serve at weekday services, funerals, weddings and Holy Days. Lay Eucharistic Ministers share a unique experience: that of serving in a defined, public lay ministry. Our church is blessed to have a group of dedicated men and women who serve on Sunday mornings and at special Eucharists throughout the year.





Leader:  Fr. Jesse Perkins  |  

Day & Time: Sundays after church service or when scheduled with person needing to receive Eucharist at home.


The ministry of the HLEM is “to take the Consecrated Elements in a timely manner following a Celebration of Holy Eucharist to members of the congregation who, by reason of illness or infirmity, were unable to be present at the Celebration.” 




Leader: David Rauschenberg|  


If you have the calling to read the Lessons during Sunday services, and to lead the congregation with reading the Psalms, then this is the ministry for you. There are no meetings to attend, just a brief instructional time before the Service is all that is needed.  We are always looking for new readers to join our great ministry.




Adult Choir

Leader: Sara Torbeck  |

Day & Time: Thursdays 6:00pm-7:30pm rehearsal, Sundays 9:15am



St. Michaels has always placed a very high value on sacred music. This is apparent in the variety, quality, and commitment to music in the liturgy, and to music as a means of spiritual understanding and growth. St. Michaels Adult Choir sings each Sunday at the 10am Eucharist, September through May. The choir leads congregational singing of service music and hymns and enhances the worship service through varied seasonal offertory anthems. The group is comprised of volunteers and singers of all levels are welcome to participate. The choir's offerings may include professional vocalists and instrumentalists on major feasts and special services such as our All Souls Requiem in November, Lessons and Carols in December, Taizé service in the spring, and major church holidays throughout the year.


Each of the Sundays in June, July, and August, our Occasional Choir sings at the 10:00am service. We forgo the midweek rehearsal, rehearsing only on Sunday mornings at 9:15 and prepare easily learned music to present at the 10:00am service. Come and join us for musical fun, fellowship, and worship!


Children's Choir

Leader: Sara and Doug Torbeck |

 Day & Time: Bridge / Lift Choir Saturdays 10:20am - 10:50am ( Grade 3rd - 12th grade) 

Sunday School Choir Sundays 9:50am-10:00am ( Ages 3 - 5th grade)

 2017 childrens choir


The children's choir and Sunday school programs are a powerful draw for young families at St. Michaels. The younger group (age 3-2nd grade) meets for music time 9:50am-10:00am  on Sundays in the undercroft before Sunday School focusing on music fundamentals and age-appropriate songs incorporating movement, ritual, and fun! The older group (age 3rd-5th grade) meets 10:00am-10:10am in the Bridge room as a part of their Sunday School classes, preparing more advanced repertoire and delving deeper into sacred music history and biblical discussions. Both groups prepare offertory songs to be sung at the 10:00am service alternating every 4-6weeks from September-May and collaboratively prepare a musical Epiphany Pageant presented Epiphany Sunday in January.


St. Michael's Handbell Choir 

Leader: Sara Torbeck  |

Day & Time: Saturdays 9:00am-10:15am


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Handbell choirs have a rich tradition in the Anglican and Episcopal churches. They support the hymns and liturgy and enhance worship through preludes and inspirational anthems throughout the church year. St. Michaels owns a beautiful 4 octave set of Schulmerich handbells and a 2 octave set of Malmark tone-chimes. Our Handbell choir meets every Saturday to rehearse and presents musical offerings every 4-6 weeks from September-May. The handbell group is a great place to build musical and ensemble skills in a fun and truly collaborative environment. The group is open to ringers age 5 to adult, no experience necessary. Parent/child duos are highly encouraged!


Instrumental Music

Leader: Sara Torbeck  |

Day & Time: (Special Events)

 instrumental music group


St. Michaels is blessed with a variety of volunteer instrumental musicians whom we incorporate into special musical offerings throughout the church year. Pick-up ensembles such as the St. Michaels Brass Band, Bluegrass band, and String Ensemble meet sporadically to rehearse for special services with practices arranged 4-6 weeks before the service. If you play an instrument and would like to get involved, please reach out and we will find ways to use your gifts in worship! We love to include solos and duets as well for preludes and communion. Thank you for your interest in enhancing musical worship at St. Michaels!


St. Michael's Healing Prayer Ministry

Ministry Leader:  Greg Smith | 


We pray for mind, body & spirit.  Praying for healing renews and deepens our relationship with God and the Holy Spirit.  Through prayer, the laying on of hands, anointing and other means of grace, we meet Jesus in our brokenness and pain.  Here Jesus transforms, redeems, resurrects and heals.  Healing prayer is inviting God to work in the person, in God's own way and timing. 


Healing prayer is offered at each Sunday service during communion to the left of the altar by the statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary.




Leader: Dave Waring (8am)  |  d

                       Emanuel Semerad (10am)  |   

Day & Time:  Sundays @ 8 am & 10 am services


Our ushers assist with meeting and greeting at the services. Their ministry is one of hospitality and is a great way for a newcomer to become more familiar with the people of the parish. The ushers also assist at funeral services throughout the year.


8:00 AM - Rite I   &   10:00 AM - Rite II   Click for directions
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