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The goal of our youth ministry program is to give youth a space and a community to belong to, as they grow in their relationship with God. By studying Scripture, seeing Christ in one another, serving others, and acting as the hands and feet of Christ in the world, our youth seek to deepen their faith and share God’s love with others.


What happens on Sunday mornings?


Junior and Senior High School Students, grades 6-12:  LIFT (Live in Faith Together)
On a typical Sunday morning during the program year, our JR & SR high school students gather at the Sturtz House at 9:00 am.  They are invited to Holy Eucharist for the 10 am service. Discussions inlcude the scripture readings of the day, and how it can apply to their lives.  This program also strives to create a safe space for our high school students to be themselves.


To register for Youth Group and Youth Sunday School, please download this form and return it to the parish office, or fill out the online form.

To register a guest youth for a LIFT event, please download this form and return it to the parish office, or fill out the online form.

 lift 2023

Other Youth Activities

  • Confirmation Class (for Sophomores traditionally)
  • Frequent opportunities for service & fellowship
  • Youth participation in worship services
  • Summer Mission Trips
  • Youth Choir
  • Camp Chicago


St. Michael's Youth Advisory Committee

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This committee is organized to provide council, advice, and oversight for our youth programs. The committee helps to organize and administer meaningful religious, service, and social experiences for our youth. We meet once a month during the program year, in order to discuss what has happened and what will be happening next.   If interested in being part of the Youth Advisory Committee, click here


8:00 AM - Rite I   &   10:00 AM - Rite II   Click for directions
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