In keeping with Father Jesse’s travels, St. Michael’s is embarking on
“Around the Church in 6 Sundays”
(not ‘Around the World in 80 Days’).
Join us at our first stop, the Community Room, on Sept. 8
after the 10 am for a picnic of Sandwiches, Chips, Fruit, Veggies,
an Ice Cream Truck and Bounce House!
At the picnic, each of you will receive a PASSPORT for the odyssey.
For the next six weeks, after each 10 am service, each traveler has the
opportunity to visit parts of St. Michael’s, see places you may not have seen,
learn about them from a “fellow parishioner tour guide,”
and get a treat and a sticker stamp for your passport.
The visits and presentations will be about 10/15 minutes.
People who have all six stickers in their passport at the end of the journey
will win a prize!
This journey is for all parishioners: adults and children.
Date/ Event/ Place
Sept. 8 Kick-Off Picnic Community Room
Sept. 15 Gift Shop And all the Angels
Sept. 22 Altar Guild Sacristy, Altar, Chapel
Sept. 29 St. Michael’s Day Library
Ministry Fair Community Room
Oct. 6 Music at Church Organ, Bells, & Choir Room
Blessing of the Animals
Oct. 13 Learning Sunday School Rooms
CROP WALK Barrington Village & Sturtz House